in the spirit of finally unpacking my new apartment. a list of a few ambitions for this upcoming year...
1. don't stress over things out of my control.
(this is a big one!)2. try not to lose/break all my technological items so often
3. take more photographs
3 1/2.^ that includes film! and get it developed!
4. learn to cook!
i'm talking oodles and oodles of recipes.
this website will probably become my best friend.
5. keep making more and more art every day.
6. share that art with friends.
7. cross one thing off the "
101 small pleasures list" daily!
8. make rhubarb jam
9. start pen-paling with my host moms and my oregon friends.
10. save up for the ultimate summer roadtrip
11. enter at least one show.
12. do wonderful things with the AIGA group
13. get an internship
14. enjoy my last year as a college student!
(it's been almost 4 years? really?)...and the list goes on and on...on a side note: i had breakfast with pat and my our joanne today, who spent the summer in china! we compared lovely stories of our abroad experiences and it was so nice to catch up. she also gave me this beautiful scarf which i absolutely adore! thanks jojo you're the best.

i'm off to get some work done. then later drinks and appetizers with pat's parents who are visiting for the weekend! have a great saturday night everyone.