Wednesday, September 1, 2010

jam session

i love to bake. cupcakes, cookies, bread but this year i'm attempting to break outside the baked good shell and experiment with a few other things.

my latest kitchen adventure was a learning experience with rhubarb jam! i checked out a few recipes and was determined to make at least one good jar of this spectacular stuff. my first attempt was a bit of a fail, having boiled it much too long and on too high a heat however, afterwards the second batch turned out great!

(burnt. and my smoke filled the basement to prove it)

the recipe was a combination of rhubarb, with a few raspberries thrown in, sugar, and some lemon zest.
fresh rhubarb from my friend evan's mom's garden
equal parts sugar and rhubarb get combined
the rhubarb gets coated in sugar and lemon juice to sit for a few hours
all the ingredients in the pot, brought to a boil and left to thicken
sterilizing and canning process, not as scary as i thought!


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