Some of my favorite posts from other blogs I read on a regular basis are ones that include a bazillion links to things they're digging right now. Sometimes they're articles, other blog posts, photos, or even clothes or music examples. Either way it's a great way for bloggers to immediately send you to other things that they like and you might as well. So, since I've been lucky enough to enjoy a very sunny day here in the studio creating and finding fun things...I'd love to share a few.
Firstly, as an '89-er I grew up in the 90's..and can agree with everything in this article from Thought Catalog.
Remember when I mentioned my friend Jen was doing a fun letter exercise? Well I can't wait for her to finish them all but so far my favorites have been J, and K, and M
As Spring approaches I keep itching more and more to get my tattoo. Loving on these.
This artist is making 365 pieces, one for everyday of the year. I want to applaud her then buy like 6 of these to hang in my house.
Bon Iver is one of my favorite artists. So talented, even sans autotune.
And last, a few fun things seen on FFFFOUND! Tea, Pipe Light, and one ridiculously wealthy cat.