I was lucky enough to be asked by my alma mater AIGA group at Grand Valley to come in and talk to the gang all about letterpress and my involvement with NotDesign last week. This was the first time I've ever really taught anyone anything, especially letterpress, so I won't lie, I was pretty nervous. But after a brief introduction and little history lesson we jumped right in and got our hands dirty. All in all it was a great night and I think everyone was really jazzed afterward! I even got a few guys interested in coming into our space here at ND for a follow-up, more in-depth workshop in the near future which is awesome.
Mainly I love seeing others geek out about typography and creating something with their hands. It feels great that I can spread knowledge about something I care about so much. Also, as the previous AIGA GVSU President it's great seeing everything the students are doing. I hope that love for teaching and learning never changes.
Love this! That's amazing that you did that! I'm so proud of you!