I got the chance to spend Easter at my parent's lake house this year; drinking wine, eating a lot of great food, and ultimately being a little lazy. After a few exhausting weeks it was a day I really needed and even waking up at 5:30 am to head back to Grand Rapids Monday morning was so worth the trip. My Saturday night was filled with beers on the porch with my Mom and Stepdad, playing catch-up and grilling out. I got lectured a little about sleeping more, eating better, and how my date went a few weeks ago. Sunday I awoke to coffee and baskets filled with gifts and jelly beans that were eaten before brunch was even served. I got to see my brother and his girlfriend who arrived long after I had fallen asleep the night before. Even though there were no longer a bunch of kids running around the house, we had a whole dozen eggs to dye: laughing to ourselves when we dropped one, or pondering aloud how to get the perfect shade of purple. There were card games, bottled soda, a delicious dinner, and a lot of laughs. I made time to chat with my Grandma and tell my sister how much I wished she was there. Even the work I had to finish up didn't seem like such a burden and a night ending with a long phone conversation seemed the perfect way to wrap up a wonderful Sunday. It's days like this where you look around and realize you couldn't imagine being anywhere else. They remind you of what it's like to feel safe and loved, and ironically, isn't that what Easter is all about?
I hope everyone else had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday this year.
Feeling blessed, Happy Easter.
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