We had the best dang donuts I've ever tasted, checked out some pretty awesome furniture at the Brooklyn Flea Market, and even had a little race against time and traffic to get Megan to her bus before it left for Boston without her. Kelly and I ended up finishing out the day checking out Bryant Park and eating chinese food we had delivered right up to her apartment door.
Brooklyn street art.
Outside the Brooklyn Flea Market.
I have to say, it was an awesome trip. It seems crazy to me sometimes that I have been friends with these girls through thick and thin. They are both incredible people and I am so proud and happy for both of them and the places their lives have taken them. While I was gone it marked the one-year anniversary of my college graduation. It seems almost surreal that one year ago I was being shuffled across a stage celebrating the work I had done for four years and the future that laid before me. While I have my days where I struggle (don't we all) I felt a small twinge of excitement that day, similar to the one felt last year when I shook the President of GVSU's hand and accepted my diploma. I almost couldn't believe that here I was, a year later and about to celebrate my 23rd birthday in New York City with my two high school best friends. I know I'm not 100% happy with where I am at in my life right now but this trip helped put a bit of that at ease. It reminded me that no matter how you grow and change some things never do, like the talks you have about your boyfriend or your crappy job, to your girlfriends over bottomless cups of coffee. It may be in Queens, it may be downriver when you're home for the holidays, it may be in Boston, or Grand Rapids, or Europe next, who knows. Either way an adventure is an adventure and whether it's a vacation for the weekend or the bigger, scary one we call life, it's nice to know we aren't in it alone.
well said ms elyse...i love this post!