Thursday, May 31, 2012

Awesome (Mitten) prints

Remember that blog that featured NotDesign I posted about a while back? The Awesome Mitten. Well, I was recently contact by Alex, CEO of the company, if I would be willing to donate anything for her to give away as door prizes for a large company meeting they were having a few days later. This group of writers, editors, photographers, all work for free, donating their time to helping build this great little internet start-up. Naturally I said yes and one long night (and very early 5:30 am morning) later these were born.

The great lakes were hand-painted, white on a thick, brown stock. While the words were all letterpress; "Michigan" printed in a semi-gloss varnish and "awesome" in a metallic gold. 


Only five of the prints were created so I hope whomever won them were pleased!

Photo by Michael Kent

Check out the article about their "Team Awesome Meet-Up" here.


  1. those look great! (I was tempted to say "awesome" but then felt a bit foolish...)
