friday, mike and i arrived at our hostel (after some mis-leading direction mayhem) we stored our stuff in the luggage shed and hit the town. we took the tube, the underground, etc. into westminster street. now, if anyone tells you london is huge! they're not lying. it's not the kind of city you can just walk around in one day, so naturally a transportation pass was needed. but after only a few hours we were pros, even giving a few people directions haha.
when we popped up at our stop we walked out into the sunshine and what did we see...big ben! parliament! the london eye! in all directions. not to mention a giant statue of a irish mythological warrior we learned about in lit. class haha. it was crazy, there were people everywhere! i almost forgot what country i was in because there were so many languages being spoken.
after site-seeing around on our own. a trip to the london film museum. and a quick bite to eat, mike and i met up with a few of our friends from the gvsu art dept. who are studying at kingston university. it was so nice to see a familiar face and we spent the rest of the day walking around with them. riding into piccadilly circus, going to harrods (the most fabulous shopping you will ever see. i kid you not!) and seeing the theatre district. they had dinner plans already so we said our goodbyes, had some dinner, and finished off our night with the national museum. once again-mind blowing. so many famous works and artists, it was exciting seeing so many greats all in one spot.
finally we headed back to hostel, and the first thing we see are bree, melissa, and lisa! three girls from our dublin group that came for the weekend as well. even though we were so exhausted from being up over 24 hours we forced ourselves out for a walk, some ice cream, and planned the next day.
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