Saturday, June 26, 2010

safe and sound

we made it! hurray!

well, our journey finally seemed to come to a close today by the time it hit around 2 pm Dublin time. our trip to the airport was a success, it started with hugs from hershey, tyler, and mikey and then eventually a tearful goodbye with mom at the departures terminal. once mike and i got through security we ate real quick and got on our plane to newark...which was an adventure in and of itself. this was the tiniest plane ive ever been on! 3 seats a row and maybe 15 rows tops. our layover went pretty smoothly though and we met up with two other AHA students on the flight (which was complete with tons of movies, games, and airplane food). by the time we napped in starbucks and chatted for a few hours, we finally met up with our site director and everyone else around 1 pm Ireland time (which to us felt like 4 am, which meant no sleep!)

once we reached our school via bus shuttle we got scooped up by our homestay mums and taken to our houses. my roommate allysa and i's is very nice. we spent most the day trying to take small naps, emailing back home, and eventually having dinner. later we ventured off to our first pub of the trip! Bakers Corner, in order to watch our homeland do us some good in the soccer game (its ok USA you'll get em next time) and get a Guiness. at least one of those was a success :)

everyone here is really nice and it's going to be a blast. i just can't wait to start school and get exploring! i apologize for the lack of pictures, i was a bit overwhelmed and didn't take many today, however i promise to post some soon.

bye loves!

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